4 Phrases That Will Violate Facebook Terms of Service

In an upcoming algorithm update, Facebook announced that it is making minor changes in order to create a more pleasant user experience online.

“We recognize that users deserve to be protected from undesired consequences of comments they make, or the the things they post on their respective walls,” Senior Coordinator of User Immunity Rights Annie Boswell reports. “In implementing four key changes to our terms of service, Facebook hopes to give users even more freedom to express themselves without the burden of having to defend their loudly voiced opinions.”

Boswell notes that users who continue using these types of discriminatory phrases will face disciplinary action concerning their accounts – which could include being banned from Facebook altogether.

Among others, here are the four banned phrases Boswell shared for this interview.

“Tell me more.”

“In the past, users have often been asked to explain the meaning behind their opinions or claims,” Boswell continues. “It’s ludicrous and offense to be asked to say more. I mean – my opinion is right there in ten words, or in one cleverly and strongly worded article link, or in a hilarious and cutting meme.  Don’t ask me to keep talking.”

In a recent survey, Facebook collected thousands of responses from users indicating that emotional duress increased when the duration of a conversation lengthened.  As a result, users are advised to simply punch the “like” button and scroll down to the next post.

I was wrong.”

In a cultural climate that has grown increasingly polarized and hostile to discerning opinions, there simply isn’t time for apologizing.  Social media is well suited for a “nuh-uh” game of mud-slinging and name-calling when faced with opposition and is not geared for sincere discussions and changes of heart.

“Can I be honest with you?  And I think I’m speaking for all of Facebook here when I say this: apologizing is a huge time waster and it really puts a damper on any conversation,”  Boswell reports.  “If you think you’ve stepped out of line or if you are really changing your mind (I mean…who does that…on FACEBOOK), keep it to yourself.  I don’t have the time or energy to enter into a real conversation with you.  My Facebook wall is about me speaking my truth, not you having a ‘moment.’  NEXT.”

“Can I think about this and get back to you?”

“There is nothing more frustrating than someone wanting to stretch out a conversation further than it needs to go,” Boswell notes, citing the same survey where users rate their interactions on Facebook based upon time elapsed.  Statistics show that interest in an opinion, article, or assertion wanes significantly with each passing hour.  Interest typically disappears within 7.5 – 11 hours.

“The reality is: I don’t care what you think about something I’ve posted – unless you like it.  Everyone loves getting likes.  This is my Facebook wall, and it belongs to me.  Plus, can you honestly expect me to care about something I posted for more than a day, or even two days?”

“Could we talk about this over a cup of coffee?”

With digital contacts becoming more and more prevalent without a face-to-face relational analogue, Facebook recognizes that users are now connected across great distances more than ever before.  As a result, actual physical interaction is not something Facebook can plan for or concern itself with in its delivery system.

“This is the one that really gets under our users’ skin,” Boswell purports.  “If you can’t say it in front of everyone, don’t say it.  And if you can’t get your own point across from the comfortable anonymity of your smart phone screen or laptop keyboard, that’s too bad.  I can.  There’s a meme for that, trust me.  I won’t allow myself to be put out by your request to talk about it in person.  It’s called self-care, and I’m a firm believer in not relating to toxic people.”

Boswell had one final thing to say in light of the upcoming changes.  “It really comes down to this: Facebook should be a safe place for people to say whatever they want to say without the anxiety that comes from having those opinions challenged.  I mean – that’s what it means to live in a free country, right?  It’s called ‘freedom of speech’ or something.”

When Love is Weaponized

I have been evicted from my home office.

Now, it’s for a very good reason – my wife and I will welcome our second baby girl into the world in November.  We have three bedrooms upstairs in our house and then a lot of space downstairs in the basement.  Yours truly has the honor of taking up new residence in the basement so beautiful girl #3 in our house can have a room with the rest of the family.

In this process, I was cleaning out closets, and I came across a shotgun that my father-in-law had passed down to me that came from his father-in-law.  It’s a Remington 1100, a pretty little semi-auto that fires 12 gage shells.  I own a couple of firearms that I use entirely for sport (I’m not a hunter) and maintain as the illusion that I am prepared to defend my home, like I’m Jason Bourne or something. Spoiler alert: I’m not.  Also, I live in rural Kansas.  One of the things you do for fun in rural Kansas is shoot guns.

Anyway, I wanted to move the weapon to a new storage space and realized it was loaded.  Normally I don’t leave my shotgun loaded – I fire whatever ammunition I have loaded at the range.  I’m not a firearm expert nor am I a gun aficionado, so I had to call a friend of mine who is far more knowledgable than me to walk me through the steps of safely unloading a semi-auto shotgun.  It was easy and I was careful and safe, but something occurred to me in the process:

The trigger of a gun is dangerously intuitive.

There are, generally accepted, four basic rules of firearm safety.  One of them goes like this: “keep your finger outside the trigger guard until you are ready to shoot.”  I’ve seen it written in different ways.  “Keep your finger off the trigger unless you’re ready to fire at your target.”  “Aim first, be sure you want to shoot your target, then put your finger on the trigger.”  It seems so fundamental one might think, why is this even a rule in the first place?

It’s because the trigger of a gun is seductive.  Children learn to “play with guns” at an early age – we have water gun fights, cowboys, soldiers, and cops are popular childhood heroes.  Video games are full of gun-toting heroes and villains, and even cartoons have cartoony-laser guns of various sorts.  I’m not commenting here on the sociology of gun play or violence in America.  My point is that, with a gun in our hands, we are practically wired to pull the trigger.  Don’t believe me? Pick one up and hold it for a minute and see where your finger goes.  Sadly, it takes absolutely no skill to pull a trigger.  All it takes is enough muscle.

If you’ll grant me the analogy here, I think that we have become a trigger happy culture.  Let’s depart from actual triggers and firearms and talk about our interactions with other people; more particularly, I’m speaking about our conduct with others online.  We are confronted continually and consistently and perpetually with viewpoints and opinions that are contrary to our own through social media.  It’s inescapable, unless you don’t use social media.  If you don’t use social media, God bless you – I really mean that.

Yet with an overwhelming influx of connectivity has come an alarming increase of hostility.  It would seem that this principle is operating in reverse.  Shouldn’t more connectivity mean more understanding?  Shouldn’t quicker connection equate to faster developing intimacy?  This has not proven to be true.

Enter: the trigger pull.

It is much easier to pull the trigger on someone than it is to seek to understand.  It is much easier to counter an opposing view by taking your finger off the trigger guard and squeezing a few shots off in the direction of another than to lower our weapons and talk it out.  It is much easier to destroy than to heal.

The greatest travesty of all trigger pullers is the one who claims to do it “in the name of love.”

Rarely is a so-called love-forged bullet fired at someone else received in love.  Bullets never heal – even non lethal bullets can gravely wound.  Intentions don’t matter when they’ve been weaponized; they only cause collateral damage and leave pain and suffering in their wake.  Damaging news (and non-news) links, misapplied and skewed facts, scathing memes, sarcastic emojis and post “likes” and reactions…when loaded into the chamber of a gun called TRUTH and fired “in love” only take life, not give it.  It takes a relationship to correct and rebuke, and it takes great care when we do it.

Jesus teaches that we should love our neighbor.  It’s easy to throw that verse out and leave the definition of neighbor hanging.  Jesus doesn’t.  In Luke 10 he tells one of his most famous parables about the “good Samaritan.”  It’s important to recognize that Jesus gives this parable in response to the question, “and…who is my neighbor?” coming from a guy who wants to “justify himself.”  You can read: “defend his position” or “prove that he is right” or “settle a debate” or “win an argument.”

To catch you up, a good guy gets beat up by bad guys on the side of a busy road.  A bunch of religious people ignore this guy – they’ve got better things to do or seemingly good reasons not to intervene.  A Samaritan though, gets to be the hero of the story – and this was absolutely shocking to the hearers in Jesus’ time.  Samaritans were dirty, half-breed idolaters who were seen as inferior.

Then Jesus pulls one of those ultimate teacher moves.  He forces the guy to say it – to admit it – that the one who was the neighbor, that did right by the guy, was the guy everyone didn’t want to like in the story.  Not only was he the hero, but then Jesus commands, “Go and do likewise.”  Wait – what?  Did Jesus just say do the same thing our “enemy” would do in this story?

Two final (and quick) observations here.  First: which group of people is your Samaria?  Is it liberals?  Republicans?  The LGBTQ agenda? Evangelicals?  Is it the atheists?  Fundamentalists?  Which group of people just stink when you catch a whiff?  Which group of people make your stomach turn with how backwards they have it (according to you)?  Can you imagine a world in which they could get something right?

Second: are you trying to help those who are beat up by the side of the road by firing bullets from the gun of TRUTH into them, hoping they will get it right and pick themselves up? Or are you extending a hand of grace to them?  Are you stopping by to care for your neighbor, to nurse them back to health in relationship, and to show them a glimpse of the depth of God’s love for them?  Are you looking for the image of God in every individual and sharing God’s love with them?  Are you defined by your love?

You can’t weaponize love.  I hope, church, we quit trying.

Being’s Source ‘Begins to Be’

A short reflection during Advent.

Emptied of his majesty,
Of his dazzling glories shorn,
Being’s source begins to be,
And God himself is born!

– Charles Wesley, Hymns for the Nativity of Our Lord, Hymn IV

This phrase floored me this morning.  Thank God for poetry and hymns and the foolishness of poets and hymn writers (and theologians and preachers, too).

How can the source of being begin to be?  Aristotle argued the beginning of all things to have an ‘unmoved mover,’ a source who was not acted upon, someone who was “the alpha…the beginning.”  Maybe this someone could or couldn’t be known, according to Aristotle.

Charles Wesley – and the whole orthodoxy of Christian faith – would beg to differ on the knowing part.

How can the source of being begin to be?  Beats me.  The Incarnation is a beautiful mystery.  Embracing it seems to be the only option for a person of true faith.  Mary Syzbist puts it this way in one poem for her collection Incarnadine:

But you can’t have two worlds in your hands and choose emptiness.

It’s times like these where I feel like it’s easier to relate to Mary, who “treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.”  I don’t think she could explain them either.  But she held two worlds in her hands.  She stared them both down and picked faith.  Picked truth.  Picked love.

She picked the source of being.  God, grant me the faith to do the same, every single day.

5 Ways To Appreciate Your Pastor in October

October is “Pastor Appreciation Month.”  If I’m being honest, I really struggle to appreciate Pastor Appreciation Month.  There are a number of reasons for this.  For one thing, it feels pretentious for those of us in ministry to get a whole month dedicated to what we do!  Some professions get a week, or a day, or the local church gives them a Sunday – but it is very rare to score a whole month.  It feels like we ministers have cornered the market on “yay, thank me!” in a calendar year.  I feel like this is the kinda thing Saul would’ve pulled for.

Another thing that I struggle with is the propensity for an awkward tension to set into a congregation.  The pastor wonders, “How much do these people actually love me or not?” based upon gifts given or not given.  The church, meanwhile, by-and-large has no idea that Pastor Appreciation Month even exists.  Those that do might wonder, “Why do I have to give my pastor a gift – they don’t give me a gift for doing my job!”

Having aired out my own stinky laundry on this, let me bring a question into view:  Could we approach Pastor Appreciation Month in a whole new way that doesn’t aim to hit our wallets?  I think we can and, in fact, I think there are several vital ways that churches can show their pastor just how much his or her ministry makes a difference.  I submit to you 5 ways to appreciate your pastor in October.

1. Forgive your pastor.

In my twelve years of ministry, I have done and said a lot of stupid stuff.  Here’s the kicker: I have no idea how 95% of that has hurt anyone.  Why?  Because for some reason, people are either too intimidated by their pastors to be honest with them about a hurt, or too uninterested or uncommitted to their church to bring it up.  It gets swept under the rug because their pastor might get mad or make excuses or try to defend the behavior*.  Or it’s too much of a bother to resolve, so let’s just head on down the way to the next church – there’re plenty of options.

I don’t know any pastor worth their salt that isn’t interested in mending relationships.  It’s biblical and most pastors are pretty into the bible.  If you are carrying hurt from a leadership decision or a pastoral blunder, forgive your pastor!  (Side note: this is biblical too!)  You cannot imagine the impact forgiving your pastor has on them – it is life-giving and freeing and will end up being one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself in the process.  Just don’t forget to tell them about it so that they know.

2. Compliment & encourage your pastor.

One of the things pastors don’t learn in seminary or ministry training is the incredible amount of negativity that gets flung onto ministry leaders.  There’s always something wrong with the building.  One volunteer or this leader is always causing a problem (sometimes it’s the pastor, see above).  Especially in solo pastorates, there are a million and one things that need to get done and many of them are left undone, buried in other priorities.  Often, ministry ends up feeling like the pastor is constantly getting torn down for all of the problems – which is not (individually) each person’s intention who brings them a concern.

Pastors don’t often hear what they are doing well.  Can we all agree that it’s ok to dislike the way some things are going or to have a concern and yet be able to say, “but boy, my pastor rocks at ____________”?  The thing is, “good sermon, pastor” only goes so far.  Tell her how the sermon spoke to you.  Assure him that his visit or phone call meant something.  Engage her when she teaches a class, talk about what was insightful about it and how she brought it to life.  Explain how his prayers inspire or motivate you.  That’s the kind of encouragement that sticks and lifts your pastor up.

3. Invest in your pastor’s spouse.

The world of ministry has changed from the way it was 40, 50, or 60 years ago.  Households of two college-educated parents with two student debt loads are common and necessitate two-incomes to survive.  That means that the old stereotypes of the pastor’s spouse may not hold water.  Don’t expect your pastor’s spouse to be at every single thing the church has on the calendar – he or she may also be tending to children or working at their job.  This doesn’t mean they are a bad pastoral spouse; it means there are other responsibilities they fulfill that likely allow your pastor to do what they do as freely as possible.

Instead of critiquing a pastor’s spouse, one way to show appreciation is to build their spouse up.  Numbers 1 & 2 apply here – forgive and encourage, without a doubt. A nice note to show appreciation or sharing a specific story about how the spouse’s faith has impacted you can make a big difference.  Check in with them.  Ask questions of the pastor’s spouse that don’t relate to the ministry – he or she lives it, day in and day out, as they watch their pastoral spouse rejoice and suffer, praise and lament the hardships of ministry.  Pastoral spouses especially feel the effects of the “glass house,” where everything is seen and judged.  Be a safe space where they can let their guard down and be honest and open and vulnerable.  Ministry can be lonely.

4. Send your pastor on a date with their spouse.

Sometimes, your pastor and his spouse are “move-ins” to your community.  They don’t have any family or longstanding friends they can rely on for free or cheap babysitting.  There are times when it can feel like ages between dates for a pastor and their spouse.  Ministry is moving too fast.  The demands of the spouse’s career are pushing too hard.  Though the state of the pastor’s marriage is not your responsibility, it can be a wonderful ministry to offer him or her a guilt-free date night with their spouse.  You don’t even need to provide the cost of dinner – the childcare is the biggest stressor.

The only cost is your time and energy, and you might fall in love with their children a little bit more as a result.  What a blessing to having loving, goldy church goers hanging out with my children!  Suzanne and I have been given this gift here and there in our ministry and it has made all the difference in seasons of our marriage.  It gives us a chance to step away from living in a parsonage connected to the church and the demands of our daughter and have some space to breathe and dream.  Marriage is the deepest most intimate relational well a pastor draws from outside of Jesus.  Feeding that is like watering the deep roots of the pastor’s spirit.

5. Gift a gift that shows interest in who your pastor is.

Pastor appreciation gifts don’t need to cost a lot of money (or any if you’ve been following along).  The first four points have hopefully illustrated that you can appreciate your pastor in many ways that don’t involve physical gifts.  But if you do want to give your pastor a gift, give them something that will actually speak to them.  Some pastors would love another “sword of the Lord” letter opener.  Some pastors would proudly wear a purple Isaiah 40:31 tie with a majestic eagle on it.  Others like coffee and Batman movies and chocolate sheet cake (…cough, ahem).

Know your pastor and give them a gift that shows interest in who they are.  One side benefit of this is that it expresses care.  Being known is an important feeling; when people are known they know they can be loved.  Your pastor likely knows several things about you and asks after your interests.  Return the feeling and know what he or she likes. An inexpensive gesture in this regard can make a world of difference – trust me, he or she is not expecting any gifts, let alone something that costs a lot of money.

Thanks for loving us.

When it’s all said and done, I don’t really dislike Pastor Appreciation Month – I just dislike some of the baggage it carries.  If you encourage a pastor in your life in one of these ways I promise you you’ll be showing them an extra measure of love – and that love goes a long way in the dark valleys and pits of church leadership, when a pastor feels insecure or unworthy or rejected.  Thanks for loving us – it makes a difference.


*This obviously excludes cases of abuse of all stripes.  If you are being abused by a leader in ministry, never ever ever let forgiveness or some such spiritual fleecing be used to manipulate you into looking past abusive and harmful behavior, especially if it is systematic or shows a trend.  A true man or woman of God guilty of abuse (hopefully in a fleeting incident of sin and not a pattern) will fess up to it and own the consequences.

Hell – A Poem

HAPPY Magdelene, to whom

Christ the Lord vouchsaf’d t’appear!

Newly risen from the Tomb,

Would He first be seen by Her?

Her by seven Devils possest,

Till his Word the fiends expell’d;

Quench’d the Hell within her Breast,

All her Sins and Sickness heal’d.

– Charles Wesley, Hymn III, Hymns for our Lord’s Resurrection


In a time of solitude last week, I reflected on this stanza from Charles Wesley and wrote the following poem.  This is a reflection on what it feels like on my worst days when the “Hell within [my] Breast” gets the louder word.  There is hope buried in the poem, though.  Here it goes:


Hell is not a place

but a face.

Hell is not a he or she

hell is me.

Hell is in me.


Hell is the place my sick heart tabernacles

unaware of fiendish shackles

not self-imposed

but self-inflicted;

until evicted

by the One who fixed it.


Hell is the sick heart – at the start –

which fell apart

like fragile art

placed neatly into childish hands

who could not know the Artist’s plans

for, lack of listening to instruction

historically leads to mass destruction.


Hell is each thought, each word, each deed

which is performed out of the need, to

win and take and force my druthers

that always ends up costing others

and satisfies a deeper lust

to just…

become the God I must

have been made to be.

So –

worship me.

When “Good Guys” Break Bad

It’s easy to root for Robin Hood.  Afterall, who doesn’t love the story of someone taking wealth from those who have more than they need and redistributing it to those who have a desperate need?  Sure, we may not directly condone his methods but we like his mission.

It’s easy to root for young Vito Corleone from The Godfather Part II.  He sticks up for the neighborhood by taking it to the current regime of bullies who run the place.  He protects those who can’t protect themselves.  Nevermind that he becomes the self-same monster he first wrestles against in the process; it’s easy to overlook for all his noble rebellion.

It’s…less easy – or perhaps uncomfortable – to root for Bryan Cranston’s Walter White in AMC’s cult classic television series Breaking Bad.  If you haven’t seen the show (which debuted 10 years ago and finished in 2013) beware spoilers ahead.  White is a poor public educator at a high school who, when given a terminal cancer diagnosis, turns to the manufacture of illegal drugs (methamphetamine) in order to provide an inheritance for his family upon his death.  A noble cause.

There’s a saying about noble intentions and a certain road to hell that applies here.

From Walter to Heisenberg

In his journey of illegal activity aimed at a noble cause, White transforms into an alter-ego, a crime boss named Heisenberg.  White attempts to keep these personalities secret and separate.  For much of the show, he straddles the line between the two – the meek, family-first Walter White and the violent, cutthroat criminal bent on dominating the meth market.  As the story often goes, however, the two worlds of competing intentions within a person eventually collide and fallout ensues.

In White’s case, he embraces his “Heisenberg” persona.  There’s a pivotal scene in the series where White demands of another dangerous criminal: “Now…say my name.”  The criminal responds “Heisenberg,” to which White is pleased.  The line is no longer straddled: it’s been crossed.  The “good guy” Walter White has become the despicable “Heisenberg” in dramatic fashion.  The pretense is dropped.  The means are not simply justified by the ends – they are abandoned, cast aside, made irrelevant.

As I watched Breaking Bad over those years I found myself starting to root for Walter White.  He was a Robin Hood type – an unlikely hero to an unknowing family.  He was a noble Vito Corleone – challenging the system of terrible teacher pay, the underdog in a street fight where leaving a legacy and setting his family up for success were the stakes.

As he became Heisenberg, however, my perspective shifted.  I realized that I had been duped, cleverly, by good writers crafting a complicated story that was playing on several of my emotions at once.  How could I continue to root for the Walter White I had embraced, loved, cheered on, as he steadily became a monster of his own making?  The question shifted even further: which persona was the real one, Walter White or Heisenberg?  Had Heisenberg been lurking beneath the surface, wearing a Walter White mask all along, and I’d missed it?  Was I implicitly rooting for the bad guy in the first place?

Fessing Up

We are in a disturbed place in our nation right now.  For my generation, this is a time and place in our culture where ideological differences in politics and policy-making are ripping people apart.  People are confessing – along with Kevin Costner – that they no longer ‘recognize’ America.  There is severe mistrust on all sides of the partisan aisles of authorities that comes hot on the heels of multiple movements, an example of which are the revelations that the #MeToo movement has brought into the light.

As a nation, it feels as though the people we trusted to bring about the right kind of change – noble causes, causes that support more responsible freedom, plans that solve tough issues and provide solutions with a high moral bar – are desperately failing.  We handed over the keys to more than just policy and law-making: we handed over the keys to our hearts, to our consciences, to our dreams and collective vision of America.

We got duped.

In the latest crisis, we find out that in the name of safe borders and responsible immigration policies – which no one in their right mind would argue against – children are being separated from their familiesthe process of unifying families is muddy, and the conditions of which appear to be deplorable.  It’s hard as a normal citizen to sort out all of the facts in one supreme, objective column that denies partisan biases, so discernment is necessary here.  By posting these links I am neither condoning or promoting any particular news outlet or commentator.

Our Robin Hoods, or Vito Coreleones, our Walter Whites have gone to accomplish something we can support.  But in the process, they have become Heisenberg.  They have embraced means that can no longer reasonably justify any end.  They have crossed lines that we aren’t willing to walk across.  They’ve misused sacred texts and sought to justify the unjustifiable.

By “we” I am referring to the collective tribe that I belong to: conservative evangelicalism.  This is a dirty word, a tarnished label, a battered brand in our country today.  Some in our tribe cling to that as a frayed badge of honor and cry out “persecution!”  Others (with which I admit that I find my alignment) seek to use that term as little as possible given the baggage assigned it.

Some will say, “I told you so.”  Some will say, “You should’ve seen it coming.”  They’re right.  It’s hard to admit it, but they are.

3 Thoughts on Getting “Un-Duped”

In this already long blog post, I want to offer my opinion on 3 potential ways going forward that can lead us – healthily – out of the “head-stuck-in-sand” ostrich posture that has been taken and into fruitful conversation.  If you aren’t there yet – and you don’t believe that your Walter White politicians have turned into Heisenberg – then you might disagree.  That’s ok.  We’re in this together.  Oh…and check out the first thought, at least.

Quit equating disagreement with hatred.

This is the core problem with social media in a nutshell: if you don’t agree with me, you hate me.  If you didn’t “like” my post, you don’t like me as a person.  If you don’t embrace my opinion, you don’t embrace me.  If you don’t cheerfully support every thought I have, you ruefully reject me as a person.  This is flawed thinking.

Stop it.

It’s quite possible to love someone without agreeing with them.  It’s quite possible to like someone without “liking” their social media posts.  It’s quite possible to disagree with someone while embracing them and wishing for them to thrive.  It’s quite possible not to support a person’s personal line of thinking and still cheer them on.  One author calls this “covenant-keeping” between one another and argues that when this is outsourced to an institution (government or church, even) it becomes a systematic problem in the process of embracing each other as human beings (see Volf note below).  We’re called to love our neighbors, not to condone everything they think or do.

Critically examine your allegiances.

In an interesting book by Matthew Bates, the Greek word for faith, pistis, is reframed as “allegiance.”  I’m not sure I wholesale agree with Bates on everything, but his thesis is sound: simple intellectual assent is not sufficient as “saving faith” in Jesus; it takes pledging allegiance to God and his kingdom, and this is what is meant when we confess and believe in Jesus (see Bates note below).

Where do your ultimate allegiances lie?  When the people you align with twist biblical interpretation to maintain authority over the land they “possess” or make fun of references to children with disabilities in order to discredit another political agenda, you should be bothered.  If you’re not, you should be asking, “who have I truly pledged my allegiance to?”

“Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater,” they say.  I’m fine with that to a point.  The question here is not about whether or not our leaders have flaws and blind spots.  They do – I have faults and blind spots, you have faults and blind spots, we all do.  The question is, who is the “baby” in this example?  If you will, who are you “bathing” or, pledging your allegiance to? I’d much rather have the one baby in history – born of a virgin, to immigrant parents, in a manger because nobody with a room bothered to help a scandalous family in a deep time of need – in my “tub” than anyone or anything else.

Do something with your convictions.

There has been a ton of fire levied at people who say “thoughts and prayers are with” such-and-such.  In many ways, it’s a cynical criticism of people who don’t know or care about what praying means to a person who is faithful.  However, in another sense, it is a warning to the church and to believers of the world’s weariness with words not accompanied by action.  True prayer changes us, says Richard Foster, and it leads us into action (see note on Foster).

The world is tired of Christians telling them how things should be and then doing nothing.

Is your prayer life leading you to act on your convictions?  Great!  Here’s a list of 10 things you can actually do to help immigrant children who’ve been separated.  I haven’t vetted each of these personally, but they sound like a great start.  If you live in these areas, consider being present physically and praying and speaking with families.  Reach out and do something.  Prayer is the place to start, but it can’t be the only thing the church has to offer people who are suffering.

The Greatest of These is Love

I won’t suggest that the intersection of faith and politics in public life is easy.  It’s not.  However, I think there is a way forward, a via media or “middle way,” where the religious and nonreligious can walk hand-in-hand to make reasonable, moral progress in policy-making.  If the church can embrace some steps to being “un-duped,” and if she can place her loyalties where they belong, then maybe – just maybe – she can reject the Heisenberg syndrome of her worldly idols and pledge allegiance to her true Prince of Peace and Lord of Love, Jesus.




Miroslav Volf in Exclusion & Embrace, 1996, pp. 140 – 156.

Matthew Bates in Salvation by Allegiance Alone, 2017, pp. 24 – 25.

Richard Foster in Celebration of Discipline, 1998, p. 33.

What Does the Blood Say?

The Lord said, “What have you done? Listen! Your brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground.” – Genesis 4:10

The scripture above comes from the passage describing the murder of Abel at the hands of his brother Cain.  This might be one of the most famous stories of Scripture in the whole bible – I’d lump it alongside “In the beginning” and “For God so loved the world.”  I don’t know why, really.  Maybe we’re intrigued by murder (there’s a lot of that in the Bible).  Maybe it’s betrayal (again: bunches more of that).  Maybe it’s simply the story placement – this is about the time when well-meaning Bible readers start and then give up on finishing the text in its entirety.  In any case, I’ve heard countless people rip off the quote, “am I my brother’s keeper?”

I’ve often wondered: what exactly did Cain’s blood say?

Admittedly, I’m an imaginative guy, but there’s something fantastic in the verse above that keeps me wondering.  What did the Lord hear?  What did Cain’s blood say?  How did it speak?  What’s the significance?

The “Oldest Defense in the Book”

Call me crazy, but I like true crime stories.  I love putting my detective hat on and listening to podcasts that detail the ins and outs of true crime, all the while I’m trying the evidence in my own head and sussing out the case.  I enjoy watching Dateline or similar true crime shows and putting myself in the mindset of the investigators and advocates for justice.

What’s fascinating to me about true crime is the universal plea of the victims and their families for the truth.  In missing person cases, the refrain sounds out: “We just want him/her home, dead or alive.”  In murders, it’s the same: “We just want justice for him/her.”  In all cases it boils down to one common theme: “We just want to know the truth.”  It’s viscerally powerful, utterly gut-wrenching.  And – more often than not – victims don’t get answers.  Criminals get tried and found guilty but never confess to the fullness of their crimes or never let the truth win out.

Maybe it’s my morbid curiosity in true crime that draws me to this passage. Cain is the first murderer ever tried and yet he employs the same defense that is pretty much always used by every other modern murderer when confronted with the truth: he pleads the fifth.  If read like court notes, the exchange might sound something like this:

God: “Cain, where is your brother Abel?”

Cain: “I have no idea.  What – you think it’s my job to keep track of him?”

God: [Full bad cop mode] “What did you do!  The blood at the crime scene gives you away, buddy!  You’re going away for a long, long time.”

Cain: “This isn’t fair!  Everyone on Facebook is going to hate me now!”

I may have taken some creative liberties there.  But the truth is still the truth: The blood of the innocent indicts the murderer.

The Blood We Shed

And isn’t it true that we, like Cain, are blood letters?

Back to my original question: what did Abel’s blood say?  If you’ll permit me to guess, I’d say that Abel’s blood shouted: “Murderer.”  “Liar.”  “Sinner.”  I’d like to think that God could hear the accusations loud and clear from the very earth that drank it up hungrily, just as greedily as Cain was willing to spill it.  Except these pleas weren’t accusations; they were eye witness testimony.

We’re blood letters, quick to strike and shed blood in our own name.  I see it day to day on social media where arguments rage and end in name calling and personal attacks that cause great harm to those who suffer them.  I hear it in teenagers who are aping the behavior of the loudest talking heads of media – oh, yeah, and what they hear from the oval office – as they dig at each other in a constant battle to one-up each other.  I see it grumbled about in broken relationships in pastoral counseling – friendships, families, and marriages.

I do it myself.  That’s the hardest part to admit, especially when I reflect on the days or weeks or months and come to grips with patterns of petty blood-shedding in the way I love my wife or parent my daughter or relate to my family.

The Blood That Saves

If we’re honest, we can admit that we end up acting like Cain too often.  It’s our nature to do so, I think, the sin nature we inherited since Pappy Adam and Gramma Eve set the tone so long enough.  Cain was a bad older brother, one of history’s worst older brothers (there are some other bad ones in the bible like Amnon for example).

The good news is – we have a much better older brother than Cain.  We’ve got adopted into the family of God by the work of our spiritual older bother, Jesus.  Paul lays it out in Romans 8:1-17, a chunky but important passage of Scripture that punctuates this concept of our inheritance through the Holy Spirit.  Romans 8:16-17 goes like this:

The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.

I think this is what the author of Hebrews had in mind in 12:24 when Jesus is credited as “the mediator of a new covenant” whose blood “speaks a better word than that of Abel.”  By the blood of Jesus, the accusations of our guilt cease.  “Murderer” is replaced by “New Life.”  “Liar” is superseded by “Truth.”  “Sinner” is traded for “Redeemed” and “Beloved” and “God’s Children.”

Don’t let the blood you’ve let speak louder than the blood you’ve been washed in.

Ridding and Craving

John’s my favorite apostle, hands down.  I’ll get into this more another time but for now I want to put that on record.

Having said that, I find Peter absolutely fascinating.  His up-and-down behavior, his wild and heartfelt faith, and his ultimate redemption throughout the Gospel narrative draw me in.  Every single time.  There is some doubt through modern scholarship on whether or not he’s the true author of 1 Peter (he almost certainly didn’t write 2 Peter) but if you are willing to indulge me I would like to treat him as the author for the sake of this blog post.

Continue reading “Ridding and Craving”

In Defense of Hospitals, Not Museums

What is Christian confession and why should we even care about it?

“Dear friend you don’t have to lie to me
When I ask you what’s going on
Are you doin’ right or are ya doing wrong
If you do right will there not be a lifting up
You misbehave
Sin is crouching by your grave
We can begin to make amends
Fill your sails full with wind
I know you’re tossed and tempest turned, but make no mistake
I’ll never sleep on your faith
But don’t you pull the wool over my eyes
Don’t you pull the wool over my eyes.”
– G. Love & Special Sauce, ‘Pull the Wool’

An ancient and influential theologian in church history put it this way: “God is always trying to give good things to us, but our hands are too full to receive them.”  In another place he restates the theme like this: “God gives where he finds empty hands.”  It’s like the kid who reached down into his mother’s priceless vase and then couldn’t get his hand out.  The family tried and tried and tried but it wouldn’t come unstuck.  Finally they surrendered to their situation and broke the vase only to find that the child’s hand was balled into a fist and so couldn’t fit through the mouth of the vase.  They asked the young man what he was holding onto that caused the loss of this family heirloom and he opened his hand to reveal a single penny.

I find the metaphor of holding tightly to something of lesser worth and missing out on a greater gift useful when thinking of confession of sin.  The Scripture is clear that Christians must confess sin – this theme is carried from the Psalmist to Apostolic teaching.  There is a physical transfer of energy when sin is confessed.

Do we need to confess?

One popular statement I bump up against is, “my sin is between God and me.”  Although I agree with this in a principled sense, and I think there are very wise boundaries concerning who and how and what we confess, confessing sin to another human being is an important part of the spiritual journey of our faith.  Don’t take this at my word – take it from Jesus.

In John 20, after Jesus has risen from the dead, he appears to his disciples (one of several occasions that occurs between the time he rose and the time he would ascend into heaven).  Take a look at the text for yourself before I offer comment:

19 On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!” 20 After he said this, he showed them his hands and side. The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord.

21 Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” 22 And with that he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit. 23 If you forgive anyone’s sins, their sins are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.” – John 20:19-23

Notice the order of events.  Jesus first breathes the Holy Spirit onto them (whatever that means, but that is an entirely different blog post!) and then gives them this directive to forgive sins, going so far as to say that if they don’t forgive the sins of others, those others are not forgiven.  Here’s what I don’t think Jesus is doing.  I don’t think he is conferring the power to forgive sin from God to man – that power is God’s power alone imputed, by grace, and through the completed work of the Son.  I also don’t think that he’s claiming that any person is sitting in the seat of judgment over another.

Rather, what I think Jesus is saying is that we are to serve as the physical conveyors of God’s forgiveness here on earth, the vessels by which God gives reassurance of forgiveness.  We’ve been given each other for a reason as the physical body of Christ on earth.  One of those reasons is to be witnesses to each other of God’s forgiveness and to offer both verbal and physical reminders of God’s forgiveness.

To hear another’s confession and to place our hand on that believer’s shoulder and utter the words, “in the name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven” is immensely powerful.  God designed it that way – it’s a means of grace and I consider it tantamount to a sacrament in itself.

What are we scared of?

Confession has been widely held over the years as a spiritual discipline – a behavior or ritual or act that Christians do or take part in that has a proven track record of producing spiritual fruit.  For a modern collection of spiritual disciplines as a whole see Richard Foster’s classic text Celebration of Discipline.  However, in most Protestant circles today, confession is viewed as a “Catholic thing.”  In my experience serving in Evangelical Protestant ministries this is essentially a curse word.  “Isn’t that where priests eavesdrop on your sins and then make you say ‘Hail Mary’ a bunch?  Empty ritual.”

I think the discipline of confession is much more robust and infinitely more valuable to the church that simply dismissing it as some optional (and unnecessary) tradition of some branches of the faith is unwise.  Bonhoeffer said it like this: “all sham ended in the cross.”  He goes on to describe how, in view of Jesus’ suffering and death, we all stand on equal ground as sinners.  When we recognize this we shine a light into the dark corner of our hearts where we judge the missteps of other believers and think things like, “well, I’m not that bad, at least.”

Confession is Freedom

Here’s the bottom line: confessing releases the overbearing burden of carried sin.  There is a redemptive power in opening our spiritual hands and letting go of the things we are holding onto – and unconfessed sin is a doozie.  It is then that God is able and willing and waiting to put good gifts inside our hands to use both for our benefit and in his service.  Don’t hear this as a “name-it claim-it” theology; hear it for what it is and for the spiritual law that Augustine was driving at.

What confession doesn’t address is reconciliation – giving and receiving forgiveness, admitting wrongs and righting them, and repairing relationships.  These are equally sacred in our faith walk but I see them as the things that come after (or at least congruent with) we are able to confess, to humble ourselves before God and before a brother or sister and receive divine forgiveness. We can confess in confidence, knowing that we are loved first by a God who relentlessly forgives.

Sympathy for the Heretic

Sympathy for the Heretic

I heard old St. Nick once punched you.
But I’d like to think
that he’d admit it was
an overreaction.

Did he even know you?

I don’t think you wanted the world
or power
or money
or sex
[and those are the things that get bishops’ ears].

I think you just wanted to
neatly fold things like
a napkin, on your lap
but not only your lap, not for you
but for your people to eat at the Table.

with your pastor’s heart.

But then again.
I wasn’t there.
I really don’t know your heart.